You will get used to common practices in the garden that are
mainstays such as composting. Every great garden has a compost heap within the
garden or at least nearby.
A good gardener will use EVERY resource made available to them like materials that will keep feeding the heap. Look for stables in your area for a constant supply of manure. Raise your own livestock to supply yourself with your own manure. I raise rabbits and it’s one of the best manures around, in my opinion!
A good gardener will use EVERY resource made available to them like materials that will keep feeding the heap. Look for stables in your area for a constant supply of manure. Raise your own livestock to supply yourself with your own manure. I raise rabbits and it’s one of the best manures around, in my opinion!
As our world is changing politically, our government is
making it harder to get our money’s worth, so look for heirloom varieties of seeds that you can save seed from, for each succeeding season. Collect and
share seed. It’s a great way to make friends and to try new varieties that have
never grown in your garden.
Share your bounty with others and it will come back to you. I practice paying it forward on a regular basis, and have been blessed in many ways because of it.
Share your bounty with others and it will come back to you. I practice paying it forward on a regular basis, and have been blessed in many ways because of it.
In regard to processing, harvesting properly is one of the
most important steps in your effort to provide for your family. Learn what type
of processing works best for each vegetable. Canning is not always the answer.
As well, neither is dehydrating. Find out what works best for the veggie you
intend to process and also what works best for you. Find a good, tough, vacuum
sealer. This will become one of the best tools in your kitchen.
At the end of the day, I can say that most every day that I’ve
done something related to my garden, has been a wonderful experience. Don’t let
failure keep you from growing a garden every year.
Don’t let someone else change your mind just because you miss the mark. I’ve had more failures than I would really want to admit, but they haven’t stopped me. I now have a 7,000 square foot garden and it produces all sorts of good things for my family and me, so GO FOR IT!
Don’t let someone else change your mind just because you miss the mark. I’ve had more failures than I would really want to admit, but they haven’t stopped me. I now have a 7,000 square foot garden and it produces all sorts of good things for my family and me, so GO FOR IT!
You are an inspiration.